In this Dialog-box you can enter your entries. More informations to this box, you get in chapter 5.2 of the description. Additionally to the normal keys of a dialog-box you can close this box with . The -key (on the numeric-keyboard, too) has two different functions. At first it works like the key. The "Enter" button will be framed simple. If you are in the text-field, this button is framed double. Now the key enter the new entry. The Dialog box doesn´t close after inserting a new account. So you can enter some new accounts, one by one. If you activate the little field in front ofËering-fields, you can take over the value of this field to the next entry. You can close the box by using the "Cancel" button. All values which stay in the mask will be deleted in this moment. Here are the principels of accounting: 1. Booking to a Profit and Loss Account - Expense will be entered on debit - Revenue will be entered on credit 2. Booking to an Inventory Account - If you get money, you enter it on debit - If you spend money, you enter it on credit